Photos from Passion 2010
New Design has a new design - trying to simplify the portfolio section by abolishing Flash (hey, if it's not good enough for the iPad, it's not good enough for me, right?). let me know in the comments if you've got any issues on your particular platform. cheers!
Sure has been awhile.
Well, it's been a long while since I've updated here - figured I should put a couple recent works up. Then try to do it again in a couple days. Then maybe again after that. You get the picture. So here's some light-painting, concert-going, long-distance shooting, and portrait-taking goodness from around Pittsburgh this past month.
Strobist Assignment - What Moves Me
A while back I decided to try out one of Strobist's photo assignments, and made a picture of my new car, an '03 VW Passat W8. I've been really enjoying driving it and went up to Mount Washington with @jdebner to shoot the car. We used one of my Alienbee B800s connected to a Vagabond II (power source) on a lightstand into a large softbox and Josh ran around the car strobing all over the place. Then I stacked up all the photos in Photoshop and painted in the parts of layers to get highlights to show up on the car. I think it turned our pretty nice for just using one light.